Bible Materials


by Joshua Lee   07/07/2024   Leviticus 23:1~44



Leviticus 23:1-44

Key Verse: 2

1. What do the appointed feasts of the LORD signify? (1-2) Why do you think the Sabbath is mentioned before talking about the appointed feasts? (3)

2. What comes first among the LORD’s appointed feasts and what are written about these feasts? Think about the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread? (4-8) What do these feasts mean to us?

3. When the Israelites reap the harvest of the land they are going to enter, what are they to bring to the priest? (9-10) What is the priest to do? (11) What offerings are to be made? (12-13) What is forbidden to them? (14) What kind of feast is this and how is related to us?

4. How many days are counted from the day of the sheaf of the wave offering and what are they to do on that day? (15-16) What offerings are to be made? (17-20) On that day what are they to proclaim? (21) How is this feast related to us? What additional command is given? (22)

5. On the first day of the seventh month what are they to do? (23-25) What kind of celebration is this? What does this celebration mean to us? How is the tenth day of the seventh month, the Day of Atonement, to be celebrated? (26-32) How is this feast related to us?

6. When does the Feast of Tabernacles begin and how long does it last? (33-34) How is this Feast to be celebrated? (33-43) What does this last Feast indicate? How does this chapter end? (44)


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