Bible Materials


by Joshua Lee   05/05/2024   Leviticus 12:1~13:59



Leviticus 12:1-13:59

Key Verse: 13:8

1. Why is a woman unclean after giving birth to a child and how long is she unclean? (12:1-5) What are the purification/cleansing regulations for her? (12:6-8) What does this show us?

2. How is a person’s having a swelling or a rash or a right spot on his skin that may become an infectious skin disease/leprosy diagnosed? (13:1-8). How is it further diagnosed? (9-11) How about when the disease covered all the skin of the person? (12-13) How about in the case of raw flesh appearing? (14-17)

3. How about when someone has a boil? (18-23) In the case of burn? (24-28) And about a sore and itch? (29-37) How about white spots on the skin? (38-39) About bald head? (40-44)

4. What is finally done with the person having an infectious disease? (45-46)

5. What are written about regulations concerning mildew/mark of leprosy? (47-59) What can we think of from all these?


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