Bible Materials


by   12/19/2008   Luke 2:21~39


1. When was Jesus circumcised? (21). To where did Joseph and Mary take Jesus after the time of purification? (22) Why? (23-24)[Lev 12:1-8, Ex 13:11-16, Num 3:11] 2. Who was Simeon, and what was he waiting for? (25-26) How could Simeon meet the child Jesus? (27) How was his hope of lifetime realized? (29-31) [1Peter 1:10-12] 3. What can you learn about Jesus through Simeon’s song? (32) What does it mean that Jesus is the light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to his people Israel? [Isaiah 62:1-2] What does Jesus’ coming mean to people, and to Mary? (34-35) [Luke 20:17-18, John 19:25-27] 4. What was the human situation of Anna? (36) What did she do during those years without husband? (37) What did she do when she met Jesus? Who are those who are looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem? (38)

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