Bible Materials


by   04/27/2018   1_Corinthians 5:1~13


1. What report about the Corinthian Christians did Paul receive? (1) What should they have done about it? (2b) What did they do? (2a) Why? 2. How had Paul immediately taken action? (3) On what basis did he do so? (4) What did he command them to do (see also verses 2b,11b,13), and why did they need to deal with this publicly? (4,5) What was Paul’s purpose in casting him out? (5b) 3. How did their pride lead them to be negligent about this man’s sin? (6) How serious is one person’s sin within the Christian fellowship? (6) Think about the importance of influence. 4. Read verses 7–8. What were they to do, and for what purpose? To what does “the old yeast” refer? (Ex12:15; verse 8) How could they become “the new batch without yeast”? (7b) How did Christ’s sacrifice change them? (8) How can we be a good influence? 5. How had they misunderstood Paul’s instructions? (9–10) What did he really mean? (11) How should a Christian deal with immoral people outside the church and inside the church? (11–13)

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